Enabling Hidden Maps And Game Modes In Halo Infinite July 12, 2022·2457 words How to access hidden maps and game modes in retail Halo Infinite PC game builds with the build manifest.
Reverse Engineering The Halo Infinite Rating And Favoriting API July 10, 2022·2068 words If you’ve been following me on Twitter, you probably already know that I spend inordinate amounts of time on reverse engineering the Halo Infinite API.
Getting Halo Infinite Match Stats With Official Halo API January 27, 2022·6667 words Getting visibility into your match performance outside the game.
Halo Infinite Web API Authentication January 26, 2022·2626 words Making sure you have the right tokens to make Halo API web requests.
Discovering the Halo Infinite API January 21, 2022·997 words How I managed to learn the about the Halo Infinite web API endpoints.
Behind The Spotify Wrapped API Scenes December 2, 2021·702 words Understanding the components to the Spotify Wrapped generated story.
Reverse Engineering The Stream Deck July 29, 2021·4220 words Figuring out how the Stream Deck ticks, and how I can make it do what I want.