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This area of the site is all about notes, technology exploration, and opinions. It is my very own digital garden. You’re welcome to explore, collect the fruits of my labor, and apply them in your own projects. Content here is 100% organic and locally-grown.

Convert Gamertag To XUID

·2723 words
As part of the work on OpenSpartan Workshop I needed the capability to convert a Xbox gamertag into its immutable identifier - the Xbox user ID, also commonly known as the XUID. My plan was to add the option for someone to find all the matches where they played with a specific player.

Tracking My Own Halo Infinite Stats With OpenSpartan Workshop

·1641 words
OK, look - I am not the one to tell you that you absolutely have to track your stats for a damn video game, but I am the kind of person that finds a certain fun in that, just like I find the fun in reverse-engineering the entire Halo Infinite API. There is a certain beauty in looking at your own numbers, even if they are for some meaningless, entirely made-up progression system.

Halo Infinite Career Ranks

·2211 words
I talked about Halo Infinite career ranks some time ago, but I kept needing to come back to the idea that I just wanted to have a quickly accessible list that just tells me what rank experience requirements are and how far along to Hero each rank is. No ads, no, fluff, just the table. Said table is now here.

Deep Dive Into Halo Infinite Operations API

·3704 words
With the launch of Halo Infinite in 2021, 343 Industries introduced the concept of battle passes in Halo. The concept itself is not new in the gaming industry per-se, but it’s new to Halo. It’s effectively a limited time opportunity for players to earn in-game rewards during what is referred to as a season (although that term becomes a bit overloaded now).

A Look Under The Hood Of The Halo Infinite Exchange

·1522 words
Just yesterday the new build of Halo Infinite dropped. With this build, one of the biggest changes that graced us with its presence is The Exchange - a new virtual venue where a player can use a new in-game currency, Spartan Points, to acquire all sorts of already known cosmetics.