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This area of the site is all about notes, technology exploration, and opinions. It is my very own digital garden. You’re welcome to explore, collect the fruits of my labor, and apply them in your own projects. Content here is 100% organic and locally-grown.

Just Works For Me

·1640 words
If there would be some absurd world where I would be able to choose two pieces of the common vocabulary that should just vanish, it would be “just” and “works for me.” We, folks in tech, got way too comfortable throwing these around.

Recipes For Product Failure: Obsess Over Competitors

·1068 words
If product management was ever perfected and applied evenly to every single company and industry, we’d likely swim in products that solve all our problems. Unfortunately, good product management is unevenly distributed and often takes on patterns and practices that are very far from optimal.

Visiting The Halo Museum

·670 words
I am ashamed to admit that for all the nerding out I am doing around Halo I did not know that there is a Halo Museum up until a few weeks ago.

Docs As Part Of The Developer Experience For MSAL

·606 words
I am a big believer in good documentation being an essential part of the product. Good docs are hard to come by for several reasons, not the least being the fact that writing good docs is hard.

Experimenting With Managed Identity In MSAL.NET

·1014 words
If you are building software on Azure, you’ve likely stumbled across the concept of managed identity. In layman’s terms, a managed identity is an automatically provisioned and managed identity resource that can be used to access other resources in Azure.

Coming Back To Microsoft

·284 words
I alluded to this a few days ago, but I have a new role. Starting today, I am back at Microsoft.

Building The OpenSpartan Data Browser

·812 words
Earlier this year I bootstrapped a project called OpenSpartan. Its intent is to primarily fill a gap for those that want to tap into Halo Infinite data - the developers that build tools such as Halo Data Hive and others.

Unlocking All Halo Infinite Content In Your Build

·1573 words
If you’ve been following some of my recent work, you might’ve caught my latest blog post on enabling hidden game modes and maps in Halo Infinite. Well, clearly my curiosity got the best of me, because this post is very much a continuation of that story.