5 Things Learned Generating API Documentation June 21, 2018·1261 words My take on the process of automatically producing documentation from code.
Summer Of Docs - Documenting .NET Libraries June 1, 2018·515 words An overview of the automation process to generate API documentation for .NET libraries.
Visual Studio Code And docs.microsoft.com API Docs November 25, 2017·1481 words Combine the power of Visual Studio Code and docs.microsoft.com with the API documentation lookup extension.
Building Docs For NuGet Packages With VSTS And GitHub Pages May 27, 2017·1336 words How to build documentation with VSTS and GitHub Pages.
Talking Self-Driving Cars, Docs And Community On MSDevShow May 1, 2017·52 words Check out my guest appearance on MSDevShow.
How We Build Documentation For .NET-Based SDKs April 14, 2017·1168 words An overview of the .NET API documentation process on the docs.microsoft.com team.
On Importance Of Documentation October 30, 2016·1118 words Creating quality documentation can help you drive adoption for your product or project.