Non-Store Windows Phone Apps: Integrate With The Settings Hub March 16, 2014·389 words How to build native system integrations with Windows Phone.
Using Azure Notification Hubs With Windows Phone November 3, 2013·1126 words How to connect your Windows Phone applications to the cloud in order to receive push notifications.
DI.FM In A New Dimension – Beem Plus 2.0 Is Out October 2, 2013·825 words Announcing a new release of one of the favorite Windows Phone EDM applications.
FileExplorer For Windows Phone – Test Feedback Needed July 25, 2013·194 words Announcing a new control that will make it easier for you to access files on Windows Phone.
Beem Is Now Open-Source July 24, 2013·53 words Announcing the availability of the code for the Beem EDM streaming app for Windows Phone.
New Week – New FileExplorer Release July 2, 2013·351 words Announcing a new release of a control that enables you to browse files on Windows Phone.
Testing The Future June 26, 2013·266 words I built a new version of an experimental control for your Windows Phone applications. API For A Windows Phone App – Auth May 13, 2013·460 words Get to know the API and how to authenticate your users with it. API For A Windows Phone App – Scrobbling A Track January 19, 2013·303 words Learn how to programmatically scrobble a track to
Moving Beem From Static XML To Azure Mobile Services January 18, 2013·934 words Moving configuration storage from on-premises to the cloud.