View Photos With Windows Photo Viewer on Windows 10 January 8, 2017·208 words How to bring back the Windows Photo Viewer as an option for your media files.
Non-Store Windows Phone Apps: Integrate With The Settings Hub March 16, 2014·389 words How to build native system integrations with Windows Phone.
My Summer As A Program Manager Intern At Microsoft September 4, 2013·1861 words Reflecting over the summer of 2013 - the one I went to Redmond.
FileExplorer For Windows Phone – Test Feedback Needed July 25, 2013·194 words Announcing a new control that will make it easier for you to access files on Windows Phone.
Beem Is Now Open-Source July 24, 2013·53 words Announcing the availability of the code for the Beem EDM streaming app for Windows Phone.
New Week – New FileExplorer Release July 2, 2013·351 words Announcing a new release of a control that enables you to browse files on Windows Phone.
Testing The Future June 26, 2013·266 words I built a new version of an experimental control for your Windows Phone applications. API For A Windows Phone App – Auth May 13, 2013·460 words Get to know the API and how to authenticate your users with it.
MissionControl - A Flexible API for Remote Device Control May 13, 2013·7999 words A demo showing you how to use an infrared sensor to remotely control your TV.
Dynamic Lockscreen Changer For Windows Phone 8, Built With ASP.NET MVC And Azure Mobile Services March 25, 2013·5995 words A tutorial that shows how to build a dynamic lockscreen changer for Windows Phone.