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Team SIMPLEX–MIRA At ImagineCup 2011

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Today I got the chance to attend a couple of team project presentations and one of those was a project called MIRA – Medical Interactive Recovery Assistant, developed by team SIMPLEX from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The purpose of the project is to facilitate a more effective recovery for people with physical injuries. I already wrote about their idea a while ago, but today I got to see the real project and its actions.

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During the 20 minutes available for the presentations, the team covered the technical and social aspects of their project. Through a hands-on demo, Alina Delia Calin showed the capabilities of the software foundation. It is entirely based on Kinect and relies on open-source and pre-SDK components, like OpenNI. One distinct feature was a standalone implementation of the skeletal tracking mechanism (that, by the way, is present in the official SDK).

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Overall, I would say that their presentation was quite successful. The demo ran smoothly and the precision of the skeleton detection was impressive. Not only did they integrate a fully-featured NUI-powered set of exercises and games, but they also built a patient tracking system that allows hospitals and medical care facilities to easily index every single person that has to go through the defined treatment program.

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As the news came in a couple of seconds away, Team SIMPLEX qualified for the second round and will be the 5th team to showcase their work at the second presentation tomorrow. We are all excited to see how their presentation will go. I am positive they will do their best and hopefully they will advance even further in the competition. Good job SIMPLEX!