Launching Windows Store Apps From Desktop November 28, 2012·442 words Quick tip on how to launch Store-bought applications programatically.
Adding SkyDrive Upload Support To Your Windows Phone App November 18, 2012·1306 words Learn how to upload files to the cloud with Microsoft service APIs.
URI Associations In Windows Phone 8 Outside Bing Vision November 1, 2012·333 words How to trigger application launches from HTML pages on Windows Phone.
The Beginnings Of Windows Phone Control Kit April 8, 2012·85 words Announcing new tools for Windows Phone developers.
KinectoPhone – Kinect And Windows Phone Working Together September 8, 2011·2257 words A demo showing you how to use Kinect and Windows Phone to build interactive experiences.
Kinect SDK – Resources For Developers June 19, 2011·255 words Microsoft released a number of tools to make development for Kinect easier.
Querying The Xbox Live Game Marketplace – From Anywhere May 18, 2011·1727 words How to get information from the undocumented Xbox Live API.
Trick Windows Phone OS Into Believing Your App Is The YouTube App May 17, 2011·539 words How to make sure that your own application can open YouTube links.
Dis-(And Re-)assembling The Default Windows Phone YouTube Library May 11, 2011·934 words I am looking at the internals of the YouTube library that ships with Windows Phone.
A Better Sample For The Netduino ShieldStudio 4-digit Shield April 30, 2011·416 words I took some time to improve the code sample for Netduino ShieldStudio tool.