End Of Chapter One: Leaving Microsoft April 23, 2020·406 words It’s time for the next step in my career. Today is my last day at Microsoft.
Lessons In Building A Scalable Samples Experience October 5, 2019·2247 words You probably heard (or read) a post I wrote back in July about how we built docs.
Building A Centralized Samples Experience At Microsoft July 31, 2019·3177 words An outline of the journey to build a single site for all code samples at Microsoft.
Tis' The Season Of Stickers December 6, 2017·165 words Announcing the availability of free stickers, celebrating the release of the .NET and PowerShell API browsers.
Installing Windows 10 With A Large USB Drive November 25, 2017·346 words How to install Windows from a larger USB flash drive when you don’t have a smaller drive accessible.
Visual Studio Code And docs.microsoft.com API Docs November 25, 2017·1481 words Combine the power of Visual Studio Code and docs.microsoft.com with the API documentation lookup extension.
Visual Studio Team Services - Pull Request After Build October 31, 2017·857 words Learn how to create pull requests with VSTS after the build completes, with Python and Git.
3 Years At Microsoft, Life Changes, And More September 10, 2017·1001 words Reflecting on the past three years at the company, and discussing other life changes.
Validating Samples With Docker And Azure Container Registry June 5, 2017·1704 words How to ensure that your GitHub samples are working correctly with automated testing.
Building Docs For NuGet Packages With VSTS And GitHub Pages May 27, 2017·1336 words How to build documentation with VSTS and GitHub Pages.